Quality Assurance

All the products that we supply and export are duly tested by original manufacturers at their well-equipped laboratories using quality apparatus. We ensure that we procure our range of chemicals from certified and reliable manufacturers only to assure that the product, which is delivered at the final destination, is pure and safe to use.

We make sure that our clients get the best products in the industry and strive to maintain long term relations with them. The quality packaging material assures the safe delivery of the chemicals.


In this competitive industry, we thoroughly understand the requirement of maintaining a spacious warehousing facility for the storage of the products. The facility is designed into sections where all the chemicals are stored categorically to facilitate easy delivery and dispatch.

Our entire product range is properly labeled so as to avoid any kind of mishap. The facility is guarded by competent professionals and has all the facilities to take care of safe loading and unloading of the products.


Packaging is one of the important aspects that we keep in mind while delivering the products at the final destination. We offer qualitative packaging for our range of chemicals for ensuring their safe deliveries at the final destination. Depending upon the nature and amount to be delivered, we pack our products in barrels, HDPE woven bags, tanks and containers. Our ability to deliver our products in safe packaging has earned us wide customer appreciation.